
honey honey

This morning I was (unintentionally) standing on Oscar's blanket and he yanked on it (intentionally - but really just to play) and ZOWIE! I kicked a wooden chair and totally messed up my toe (not the pinky one but the one before it), and that part of your foot where your toe connects. I yelled so loud that Oscar immediately hit the ground, practically melting into the floor, giving me the "I'm so saaaaaahhhrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" look. Poor guy, I wasn't mad at him, but man, did that hurt (still does...muaaaaaahhhh!) The bruising is just starting, and will prolly be uglier tomorrow, so I'll be sure to get some photos of the carnage.

In the meantime, please enjoy more shamelssley borrowed images. This time it's the work of Alberto Cerriteno:


Dave said...

Very cool art work shmoops...!

Have a great weekend hon..! *S*

Loops O'Fury said...

That is fuckin rad!

Canopenner said...

Hope you toe heals speedily.

I think thats worst toe to F up too...OUCH!

poopee shmoopee said...

dave & loops: tanksh!

canopenner: it's kinda gross. i'm breaking out the camera now.