
ideal subject position my ass

Isn't it obvious tell that I am PUMPED for my upcoming critical theory exam?

I spent the whole day yesterday, studying for that exam with Cheryl and felt so braindead that I didn't do a lick of homework last night. Instead, Kirk and I watched Bon Cop, Bad Cop, which was really good. Being half French Canadian, and bilingual, I got a real kick out of the dialogue. I wanted to watch it without subtitles, but Kirk gave me stinkeye about it, so we watched it with English subtitles. Basically it's about the tensions between Ontario and Quebec explored through the buddy cop genre as Colm Feore and Patrick Huard investigate a series of murders that take place within the "hockey community". I don't even really like hockey but I LOVED this movie.

Here is a shot of Oscar sulking with his mini-teddy because we were watching a movie and not playing with him.
oscar sulking with his teddy

Oh and thanks for all your advice on the stink problem I was having with my sweater on Friday. Please note that I have HEARD of deoderant, and understand how it works, it's just that damned sweater that needs to be burned like all future news items about Anna Nicole Smith.


poopee shmoopee said...

i hate how in some pictures my one eye looks smaller than the other. stupid droopy eyelid!

Aliecat said...

I'm always fascinated by the French Canadians...when I was in France, I avoided the anti-American snobbery by fibbing a Canadian background. This would backfire sometimes because they would assume I'm from Montreal...but I'm a quick thinker and would say I was from Winnepeg...

Dave said...

First of all, I LOVE the picture of you shmoops! *S*

Secondly... there's bad feelings in Canada?? Go figure.. *chuckling*

I'm like.... third generation French Canadian removed. I have my Geneology tracked back to the mid 1600's, and they're still in Canada.

JLee said...

Great pic! Looks like an album cover ;)

JBoombostick said...

Good Job Poopee

Anonymous said...

I applaud your free spirit! No deodorant and no sun tan! Bravo for escgewing the cultural norms of having to not smell and be all bronzed...

Anonymous said...


Wendy said...

look how cute you are! Your hair is growing out and is adorabley curly!

Your poopie looks a lot like my dog Navin.

Raymi Lauren said...

i love missy!

Suzanne said...

Cute pic....I loved the movie and it made me laugh. How fortunate we are, we do not need the subtitles.... our men are.....sigh....

Good luck with the exam,

poopee shmoopee said...

dave: oh god, don't even get me started on the lame-o tensions that exist in this country like, colonialist rights vs. aboriginal rights, french vs. english, east vs. west, urban vs. rural, young vs. old, up vs. down, etc...


poopee shmoopee said...

jlee: thanks, girl!

poopee shmoopee said...

me: that means a lot coming from you!

poopee shmoopee said...

aliecat: haha! i imagine many an american has pulled that whilst in france. funny enough, most europeans lump canada into their notion of america, so i'm glad the french have at least heard of montreal.

poopee shmoopee said...

squid: dearest squidward j. testicles. you are the sweetest squid alive! i overexposed the shot in photoshop to conceal the swollen, dark circles under my eyes from a combination of allergies and no sleep, as well as to hid the HONKING huge ingrown hair on my brow bone. that's what i get for not washing makeup off before bedtime.

Aliecat said...

A friend of mine suggested it because she spent half of her time in Paris being treated like shit until she started pretending she was from Canada...

poopee shmoopee said...

wendy-poo: thanks for noticing! i have tons of hair, so there's nothing worse than that shit on your neck and in your face in the heat and humidity we call summertime in toronto.

Even though long hair is way flirtier and sexier, i just got sick of having to DO something with it all the time.

i'm planning on getting it cut next week, though so i'll post some photos.

poopee shmoopee said...

raymi: i know!!!! i'm hoping to meet her next week so i can send photos to cuteoverload.com cause she is super cute!

poopee shmoopee said...

frogdiva: thanks mom!

poopee shmoopee said...

aliecat: heh. when i was 16 i went on a class trip to paris and when they heard us talking in french they were all "fucking americans" in french, but boy were they surprised when we started to tell them off in their own language. haha! stupid frenchies!

poopee shmoopee said...

aliecat: i shouldn't generalize like that though, not all frenchies are jerks. just the snotty parisians who assume that everyone who speaks english without a british/scottish/irish accent is american.

Anonymous said...

Is that what that thing is? An ingrown hair? And to think, I thought your caste mark had slipped down off your forehead! Stupid me.

poopee shmoopee said...

squid: you sure are!

Dave said...

Happy Valentines Day shmoops! *S*

Murp! said...

An Ode to Poopee:

The roses are Dead
The Violets are too
Have a Happy Valentine's Day
Oscar looks delicious