
I smell a duel: Pussy Golightly vs. Connie Lingus

My real name generated THIS:

Your Drag Queen Name Is:

Pussy Golitely

My blog name generated THIS:
Your Drag Queen Name Is:

Connie Lingus

I'll let you decide which is the more awesome. Awesomely laaaaaaame.

Oh also, I recently joined facebook. Since then I receive at least 10-20 emails a day. What have I done?


Dave said...

*LOL* My name is Creme BruLay.

The funny thing is, my favorite dessert in the world is Creme Brulee! *S*

poopee shmoopee said...

you are soooooooo gay!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!