
you win some, you lose some

AGO gets $50M sculpture

Heritage painting stolen from OCAD


Suzanne said...

Oh goodness, how is art school so far in the new semester?

Hedy De Vine said...

wow, i didn't know people still stole art. does a painting's value increase if it gets stolen?

Wendy said...

wow. The sculpture is life sized. That would be impressive.

Dave said...

Good grief... how can anyone steal art... it's meant for the masses, not for any one.

Have a great weekend shmoops..

poopee shmoopee said...

mom: pretty good!

hedy: i don't think so - i mean, if someone tries to sell it, they'd have to do it black market styles, since it's public knowledge that it's been stolen. makes it harder to sell.

wendy: i know. bernini is one of the great masters, so it's a really big deal for the gallery.

dave: you too sweetie.

JBoombostick said...

Hello shmoooooooop. That painting looks great on my wall and I cant wait to get my hands on that jesus sculpture!

poopee shmoopee said...

bostick: sounds like you need a spanking.