
this is my latest sculpture homework. no really.

props to Kim Adams for inspiring me to hack a bunch of war toys and hand it in as homework. And I got an A on that last project!



Dave said...

Wow.... I LOVE IT!

I'd have never thought of using those things... but wow do they come together!

Nice job shmoopsie! *S*

G3T Films said...

That is freak'n AWESOME! Paricuarly the circular base.

Good one Shmoops!

poopee shmoopee said...

Thanks ya'll! It's on a lazy susan that I got at the Goodwill. It was so much fun to make.

Anonymous said...

that is so f-ing cool. i can almost hear the helicopters and explosions screaming children. i love the army dudes holding the giant guns, it reminds me of the governator: get to the choppa!

poopee shmoopee said...

hi hedy! welcome to my pathetic excuse for a blog and thank you for your praise. it warmed the COCKles of my HARDt!


JBoombostick said...

I have to honestly say. That is the raddest fucking thing I have seen in a long time..
Good job.

poopee shmoopee said...

thanks bostick and welcome to you too!

Suzanne said...

These are wonderful! It shows how much fun you had in creating this...Congrats for the great work

poopee shmoopee said...

thanks ma!

Hedy De Vine said...

so frogdiva is your momma, huh? i just visited her site and saw her paintings. you are both so talented!

poopee shmoopee said...

hedy, you are super sweet for saying so! you totally just made my mom's day!

Suzanne said...

yes poopee you are right it made my days