
i can't believe i've never been to this website before.

Bruce Campbell seems like a huge lovable prick. How can you NOT love him???


Dave said...

*LOL* I used to love him in Briscoe County....

poopee shmoopee said...

OKOK I'm going to the cottage this weekend. Evidence will be collected.

poopee shmoopee said...

i think i only ever saw one eposide of briscoe county...and i think i was pretty drunk...so i don't really remember it, but I did totally love Bubba Ho-Tep. If you haven't seen it, go rent it now.

G3T Films said...

I always thought of him as the 'pre-jim carey' Jim Carey, mostly for when he gets attacked by his own little demons in evil dead 3, great scene... or the to-camera he did when he was burying his evil twin, yeah, that film rocked. But that web-site is disturbing. Very disturbing.

G3T Films said...

OK, my turn to ask politely if you would kindly post something else, so

'What's wrong with you, can't think of two lines of shit to throw up'.

OK, politeness isn't my thing.

poopee shmoopee said...

Screw you satan. i'll post and respond to your vile questioning when I damned well please.

Let me guess. Now I'm REALLY going to hell, right?