
Vice Magazine is the SHIT.

Vice Magazine - Kill Your Parents issue

I think there's a lot of really great writing and pointed arguments about the the baby boomer generation in this issue. That being said, I still love my parents and don't really want to kill them.

My parents are of that generation and while I would do everything in my power to make sure they are loved and cared for as they age, just as they did for me as a child, I've made it pretty clear to them, that it's THEIR responsibility to prepare for their future financially.My brother and I will never be able to afford to support them with the lifestyle to which they've become accustomed. Hell, we can't even truly afford to support ourselves with the lifestyle we were accustomed to at home with them.

A few years ago, Kirk and I decided that RRSP's and the concept of retirement is BULLSHIT.

Why the hell, should I give a significant percentage of my earnings to some other person who's going to do something better with it than PAYING OFF OUR MORTGAGE. Because lets just face it, the ONLY way to own a home these days is to carry a mortgage. If I have a third of my earnings goes to taxes, another third to my mortgage, then most of that third is spent on school loans, car lease, insurance, property taxes and credit cards oh and eating and let's not forget entertainment. WHY THE FUCK would I take what little I have I have left and save it for my "retirement". I'm 31 years old! Who the hell knows what the world will be like in another 30 years. I need to see that I've worked for something tangible. Something real. NOW.That's why Kirk and I decided to bust our asses to own land. Seriously, real estate is the only way to go.


Unknown said...

I have to jump in on this - Yes I agree that it SUCKS that you have to give you shizzat to a bunch of old farts that will take out far more than they ever put in. The US has the same issue - however at least you have an option to redirect some of that money. In the US it ALL goes to Social Security and I have heard from numerous people that likely SS will not even exist when I retire. So I throw all these hundreds of thousands of dollrs at a program that is already bankrupt. Lets start our OWN country - Does anyone have a large plot of cheap land for sale?

poopee shmoopee said...

oh. canadians also pay into something called the Canada Pension Plan which is the same concept as Social Security. Which we are also forced to pay into every time we get a paycheque. And like Social Security it probably won't be there by the time I need it.

G3T Films said...

How many times do I have to say this... Easy fix... Eat the Poor!

poopee shmoopee said...

satan. thanks for the advice.

poopee shmoopee said...

haha. you're just jealous because i have a job where i don't need to have a drug test or deal with my inner customer.

G3T Films said...

Funny?! My job requires I take drugs. What kind of world is it when you can't be smashed at work!

OK Pooper, I've shared, where's your secret? Come now, don't be shy.

G3T Films said...

Seriously, why wont you speak to me?

G3T Films said...

Fine! Be that way! see iF I CARE!