
Congratulations Anny and Spencer Fowler!

annyNspence, originally uploaded by the shmoops.

On the first weekend of October, Kirk and I went up to Sundridge, Ontario to attend the wedding of Anny and Spencer. I've known Anny since she was born. Both our mums were roommates in 1970 and have been friends ever since.

When we were kids we lived about an hour apart from one another and only really hung out during holidays and birthdays and whatnot. We really became close in high school, where we both attended the only all-french language catholic high school in the Greater Toronto Area. See, both our mums are from Quebec so they had decided it was important for their children to grow up being able to communicate both in English and in French. All subjects were taught in French; Maths, Sciences, History, Shop, Geography... EVERYTHING except for English of course.

When we were rockin' teenage catholic school girls, Anny and I even dated two friends on the same hockey team. Ahhh.....sweet memories.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't bawl uncontrollably during the ceremony (I can be irrationally sappy sometimes). And I didn't. It was later, after the dinner reception and a lot of white wine that I weeped openly during the speeches.

We're all grown up now. I was going to say old...but 30 isn't old is it?

1 comment:

Dave said...

Wow, what a handsome couple! *S*

Nice post shmoops...