
wedding photos are finally up!

123, originally uploaded by poopee shmoopee.

i'm working on my thank you cards right now, but i figure i'd let you all know that the photos are finally up on flickr.


Anonymous said...

Menstruation and the cottage - blech! Those weekends (and yes, it always seems to fall on a weekend) I just call myself Bear Bait and don't wander too far : )

Anonymous said...

You sure are Purrrrty!

poopee shmoopee said...

squid: that was the idea!

kathy: i was total bear bait. haha.

rich: thanks dude. i think my cake-topper self looks like i just smoked a big fat doobie.

Dave said...

Wow.... you're MUCH more a cutie than I ever thought... ~S~